Monday, December 13, 2010

Benefiber Kidney Stones


- Mani in rete Esplora Gioca e Fai clik Ovunque Post 089
listen to radio. I am looking for on Google today between seven and seven and a half hours of December 14 The Pride of PD. Click on the first result: America today, Italian newspaper published in the United States. Carry the beginning of the article:
ROME. Democrats will be the day of pride that we celebrate today in Piazza San Giovanni, the "Pd pride ": the event desired by Pier Luigi Bersani, in fact, not so much the opportunity to talk about technical government or do the math to see if the no-confidence motion to pass or not Berlusconi. It will be quite the time at which the Secretary tell his people that if the Knight's days, is on the Democratic Party. And to galvanize the square will say "it's up to us."
18 special trains, 1,500 buses, two ships . I remember have already heard these figures. Once again thanks to Google search the first result gives me the photo of the head of this post. And the caption Latest news . As the budget in € of this organizing effort? Which at least the impact, the political impact of change and hope that the organizers achieved if the Commission concludes as a carry-over below the end of the article found as the first Google result?
No, the Democratic Party "has men and ideas" to anticipate in the "alternative" to the liberal model Berlusconi. From the work for which Bersani will relaunch the recipe a precarious time to be paid as a stable work hours.



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