Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why Is The Skin On My Scrotum Peeling

Un po' prima, un po' dopo...

Prima che arrivi l'anno nuovo voglio mostrarvi due illustrazioni che ho realizzato questo mese per un bando della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo , in collaborazione con hanami : il bando è per progetti di costruzione
o restauro di strutture / acquisto di materiali e attrezzature per la prima infanzia.
Eccole qua senza la grafica.

E qua l'adv uscito sul Corriere del Veneto.
Il logo and graphics are Mara ( hanami).


And waiting New Year, I anticipate that I will be in the next issue of CORE ls : buy it!
Here is a small preview.

Apart gli scherzi, comprate sempre ANIMA ls !


Ci vediamo nel 2011.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pharmaceutical Calculations 1:8000

Fennel-fascist Previews vernacular to Mastro Pagliaro

And after "Fennel Communist" published in 2009, here comes "Fennel Fascist."

next on The Vernacoliere (c)

Again, this is Italy.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Do Footballers Wear Jockstraps

Radio3_Prima pagina_27dic10

Mani in rete Esplora Gioca e Fai clik Ovunque Post 092

Closed Tankpurge Dip System

W in-law!

Livorno, home of the Italian Communist back in the limelight of history, communism adapting to modern times, passing the turning point of Bolognina and going beyond the most modern social democratic policies!

Companions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

E 'last born movement that will allow you to realize your dream of proletarian internationalism!!

the In-laws!

-Law Partner The One gave us the sofa bed! So now, the Two-In-Law Partner, will give us a table and chairs!
W in-law!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Lot Of Cervical Mucus Before Period

Magico Natale

Mani in rete Esplora Gioca e Fai clik Ovunque
Buone Feste!
Entrerei nelle case delle persone
a portare amore, ricchezza e felicità
Così finalmente, senza l'odio,
la povertà e la tristezza
renderei il mondo più bello
Magical Christmas: ACT! All home for 1 Year!
Berlusconi home? In Good Company?
Words in Motion

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pokemon Deluge Best Skills

The delivery of certificates to the winners

Ceremony of the certificates to the winners of the fifth edition the Philobiblon, Italy Medieval Literary Award and the seventh edition of © Premio Italia Medievale 2010.
Cascina Nocetum, Milano, sabato 27 novembre 2010.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Post Closing Session In Nse

Il Campionato dei ConsumaTTori. Come aiutare un anziano a ripulire il suo cortile.

Mani in rete Esplora Gioca e Fai clik Ovunque Post 090
Il Campionato dei ConsumaTTori. Buone Feste!
Il Campionato dei ConsumaTTori . Buone Feste 2010!
TAC_Tutti a casa per 1 anno
Oggi anch'io manifesto una proposta. I l Campionato dei ConsumaTTori . Da casa in Sciacca, via Brescia 19a . Ai miei condomini, tramite l'amministrazione del mio condominio. Non da Montecitorio . O al popolo italiano , da una piazza romana raggiunta da navi, treni e pullman. Con una Canon , una multifunzione e un notebook . Senza finanziamenti pubblici . Occupandomi di piccoli lavori autorizzati , del quotidiano , delle prestazioni occasionali . Con prodotti e servizi che sappiano e profumino di buono. Capaci di renderci migliori. Migliorando la politica, quella apparentemente piccola . Per quella grande, ognuno voti come crede sia meglio, basta che il voto di ciascuno pesi in pari opportunità . Capisco che questo post è fin troppo ricco di contenuti, anomalo rispetto al mio solito. Ragione di più per commenti, richieste di chiarimenti, eccetera

Il Campionato dei ConsumaTTori

Monday, December 13, 2010

Benefiber Kidney Stones


- Mani in rete Esplora Gioca e Fai clik Ovunque Post 089
listen to radio. I am looking for on Google today between seven and seven and a half hours of December 14 The Pride of PD. Click on the first result: America today, Italian newspaper published in the United States. Carry the beginning of the article:
ROME. Democrats will be the day of pride that we celebrate today in Piazza San Giovanni, the "Pd pride ": the event desired by Pier Luigi Bersani, in fact, not so much the opportunity to talk about technical government or do the math to see if the no-confidence motion to pass or not Berlusconi. It will be quite the time at which the Secretary tell his people that if the Knight's days, is on the Democratic Party. And to galvanize the square will say "it's up to us."
18 special trains, 1,500 buses, two ships . I remember have already heard these figures. Once again thanks to Google search the first result gives me the photo of the head of this post. And the caption Latest news . As the budget in € of this organizing effort? Which at least the impact, the political impact of change and hope that the organizers achieved if the Commission concludes as a carry-over below the end of the article found as the first Google result?
No, the Democratic Party "has men and ideas" to anticipate in the "alternative" to the liberal model Berlusconi. From the work for which Bersani will relaunch the recipe a precarious time to be paid as a stable work hours.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hindi Wedding Dresses

shining example in-concert music at Mastro Pagliaro

"I'll break your fucking balls to organize things! Gianpaolo is better ..." This sentence is
Stefano our keyboard, we found that incredibly an evening. Stefano
are a Grandissssimo!
tonight for the third time the shining example will be performing live, opening the concert Cinderella Breakdown whom we thank.
The concert will be held at 22:00 on the Social Construction Camilo Cienfuegos K100, Via Chiella n.4, Campi Bisenzio (Firenze)

To me, this thing that you have set up a group, it makes me laugh like crazy. Hello

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pokemon Battle Revolution Rom Baixar

Note. Noti. Ignoti. Notorietà della Scala

Mani in rete Esplora Gioca e Fai clik Ovunque Post 088


President of the Republic ... I am very happy to run again this year on December 7th at La Scala. I am very honored to have been declared master and speak Scala as such, but also on behalf of all my colleagues who play, sing, dance and work and not just in this magnificent theater, to tell you where we are deeply concerned about the future of culture in our country and in Europe
I recall with Article 9 of the Constitution:
The Republic promotes the development of culture and scientific and technical research, protecting the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the nation

Per il dopo 14 dicembre
TAC_Tutti a casa non crede all'ordine del giorno dimissioni si, dimissioni no
Meglio il rispetto concreto della Costituzione, tutti a casa gli attuali politici, voti ciascuno come fit. The hope is that, paradoxically, the list none of the candidates buy the "majority", as defined by the existing election law and government.
governments and that such a government as soon as possible
  1. immediately put under precautionary seizure of all assets and past political party involved in such associations that may also be indicted and tried for their direct route to acts against the Constitution, Italy, "res public" to them in administration, beginning with the Prime Minister Berlusconi and down down down down to the faint-hearted co-responsible public servant or a private party - colluded
  2. a financial packages before the new year 2011 reflecting a real majority and dictate the agenda under a resurrected Italy thanks to a redistribution of income, policies and expectations in ways and means that clearly combat crimes (see point 1), evasion (the most dangerous criminal and more, starting with the € 88 billion that the treasury should be charged for the illegal practice of the games in the concession), policies or otherwise away from the Constitution (starting from € 14 billion related to the case of F35 fighter )
  3. resigns in less than 100 days after getting called for new elections to reformulate the existing rules in the sense that for all MPs to ensure our employees due to the proportionality of voting preference, the option of voting no candidate. Parliamentary our employees to be elected, in the initial proposal to test and optimize, in one room and up to 100, voters organized by colleges and equivalent homogeneous, secured by a properly equipped voting system all votes made in the exercise of a maximum security, clarity, transparency

Mani in rete Esplora Gioca e Fai clik Ovunque cf.
. Good reads -

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Invocation For Debut Party

Buone letture


- . Sciacca. Work in progress Mani in rete Esplora Gioca e Fai clik Ovunque via Brescia in the 19th .
Ricevo e diffondo
[Ringrazio il canale di mpietrocalabrese per le info e l'ottimo documento video. Cfr. anche
Gioacchino Genchi a Sciacca
. Roma. il 1 dicembre 2010 il vice questore Gioacchino Genchi si è presentato davanti al Consiglio Centrale di Disciplina del Ministero dell'Interno, dopo averne ricevuto notifica in merito alla sua destituzione definitiva dalla Polizia di Stato, "per avere offeso il prestigio dell'on. Silvio Berlusconi al Congresso dell'IDV".
. Tutte le sue istanze di accesso e le richieste difensive, fra le quali l'audizione del Ministro Maroni su alcuni punti precisi della contestazione, sono state respinte. . Il responso dell'incontro rimanda al 15 dicembre la decisione definitiva da parte del Consiglio stesso. .
In occasione del presidio a sostegno del vice questore tenuto nei pressi della sede del Ministero, il cittadino Dino Capasso ci parla di alcuni perché di questo caso paradossale. .
Nel video si fa riferimento al libro di Edoardo Montolli: "Il caso Genchi, storia di un uomo in balia dello stato", per il quale è bene ricordare il rifiuto di qualsiasi compenso da parte di Genchi.
Per gli ulteriori sviluppi: . the garrison was also attended by some citizens of the movement 5 star london

Avg Boobs Size By Country

EQUOnet_2dic10. Prima dell'alba. C'è chi dice no alla mafia, a questo clima.


Post 085

here today, there is a final vote on the Ddl
University. Closed:

There is a deafening silence around the buildings at this time, a silence that strikes hurt our democracy. Look at the pictures that we have done for you. A human wall of police, iron and steel of the trucks of the police is a sign of a building that closes like a clam, which is deaf to the needs of students, professors, researchers, teachers demoralized and humiliated by this reform. The police have an obligation to protect the integrity of the buildings of institutional settings and avoid physical confrontations, but at the same time the minister Maroni has the duty to guarantee the right to demonstrate for students. Necessary to comply the two requirements, with equal respect, because there is no democracy when silence falls on the square.
. -

Friday, December 3, 2010

Getting Gold In Dubai Airport

few words, but good. A poet to Mastro Pagliaro

If in the morning before you start drawing scream: "I am the God of the design and Moebius me off!", Whereas I write, I take it with Ivano Fossati and cry: I am the God Fossati of scripture and makes me a saw! "
But why I take it with the very large hole?
Why this man has written such beautiful words, but so beautiful that I wanted to draw.
This is an excerpt from "The popular song."

"It's me or you're the woman who fought so
because the natural shine of her eyes
not mistake him for western

few words, but good. A few words that tell a life so vivid that you can touch. Yesterday

turning to the various sites' s information, I found myself in front of this picture.

from republic

O giovane incazzato, io non so se sei un precario, uno studente o uno di futuro e libertà con la coscienza sporca, ma so cosa sei per me.
Tu sei  un Poeta e anche a te Ivano Fossati ti fa una sega!
Poche parole, ma buone. Poche parole che raccontano una vita, così viva che  la si può toccare.
Sei un grande!

Un Grazie di esistere a Ivano Fossati.

Ps: la penso come te.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Kate Playground Setforum

Un pessimo pessimista- Mastro Pagliaro sul sito dell'ANPI.

La scorsa settimana mi è stato proposto di  realizzare delle vignette satiriche per il nuovo sito dell' ANPI .
Io ovviamente ho accettato, ma con riserva, perché nella mia testa non ci sono vignette, ma storie e per le storie bisogna avere lo spazio necessario per custodirle e  le idee giuste per realizzarle, e al momento del sì, scarseggiavano entrambi, ma essendo consapevole di essere un pessimo pessimista, ho lasciato che il tutto avvenisse in modo naturale e in modo naturale e sofferto, sono finito sul sito dell'ANPI con il mio Omaggio a Monicelli.

Un Grazie a Giovanni Baldini. Anche lui è un pessimo pessimista.

Un pessimo pessimista.....mi piace.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How Can I Start My Own Waxing Buisness From Home

La mano - Anteprime belgiche alla Mastro Pagliaro

Ciao a tutti,
La scorsa settimana mi ha scritto il mio editor di Dargaud per informarmi che dal primo Dicembre ( oggi...)" La Mano",  Comics I designed and written by Philippe Thirault will be pre-published, with respect to the projected release Febbario, one of the most important newspapers of Belgium, La Dernière Heure / Les Sports at a rate of two pages per day six weeks.
The news is one that changes your day, it's as if someone had told me, "Pagliaro I understand everything, absolutely everything you wanted to say. I mean when you spoke of your stories partisan and the need to tell all, in simple words, and draw with amazing eyes .... yes, then I realized the sense of that thing you do all the crazy days before the draw as ... which one? ... I mean scream when I am the God of the design and Moebius saw me !..... I am now quite clear ... you're wrong. but I love you. "

Well, I like to think that all of the 132,000 readers of La Dernière Heure / Les Sports, think this thing would be like to feel a hand on her shoulder to hold me tight.

A Thanks to all for Dargaud.